Middle School Sports Physicals and Clearance Information
Need a Physical? Get one from your own doctor or you can call Sutter Health at (707) 427-4900 and make an appointment. Costs depend on your insurance. They are located at 770 Mason Street, in Vacaville. Another location is Spring Medical Clinic, located at 1671 E. Monte Vista Ave #213 (in the Nut Tree Plaza above Peete's Coffee). You can pick up a physical form in the main office of the school or print out by clicking here for the Sports Physical Examination Form. Make sure you tell them that it is for a sports physical for Sierra Vista K-8 School and take our school's physical forms with you.
Online Athletic Clearance
- Visit www.AthleticClearance.com
- Watch quick tutorial video
- Register. Parents register with valid email username and password. You will be asked to type in a code to verify you are human. If this step is skipped your account will not activate.
- Login
- Select "New Clearance" to start the process.
- Choose the School Year in which the student plans to participate. Example: Cross Country in Sept 2021 would be the 2021 - 2022 School Year.
Choose the School: Sierra Vista K-8.
Choose Sport
- Complete all required fields for Student Information, Educational History, Medical History and Signature Forms.
- UPLOAD PHYSICAL to turn in to. Do not give your physical to your coach.
- Once you reach the Confirmation Message you have completed the process.
- All of this data will be electronically filed with your school's athletic department for review. When the student has been cleared for participation, an email notification will be sent.
Online Athletic Clearance FAQ
Multiple Sports
Once you complete a clearance for one sport, most of the information you have entered will be retained in the system. To register for an additional sport, select New Clearance after enter the year, school and sport most of your information will auto fill.